South Burlington Police Officer's Association
The Police Department accepts applications year round. Applications received are screened to ensure a person meets our entry standards and those meeting the standards are put into an active file for a period of one (1) year.
20 years of age at time of application and High School Diploma;
Associates Degree or higher strongly encouraged; or
Have a minimum of 2 years previous full-time experience with another agency; or
Have honorably discharged after a minimum of a 2 year active duty military tour
Our history has included numerous leading roles within the policing community to include:
One of the first to implement VALCOUR, a Records Management System designed by/for our Department and now used throughout the state
First in the State to offer the D.A.R.E. curriculum in our schools
First in the State to be Accredited with the Commission on Accreditation
One of the first agencies to offer mobile connectivity with a State-wide records management system
We offer competitive benefits to include:
Age 50 Retirement (6½% employee contribution)
Competitive starting salary with local agencies
80 hours vacation initially
Compensatory time accumulation up to 200 hours
16.5 sick days/year; short term disability
Health/Dental insurance (small employee contributions)
Educational reimbursement opportunities (50%)
Numerous specialized assignment opportunities

To apply, please submit a current resume and cover letter along with your application to:
Deputy Chief Paul Edwards
19 Gregory Drive, Suite 1
South Burlington, VT 05403
Electronic submissions may be made to pedwards@sbpdvt.org.
See the link below for an application
or call (802) 846-4111.
The City of South Burlington
is an
Equal Opportunity/AA Employer
The South Burlington Police Department always accepts applications from team players who are committed to making a difference within out communtiy. We consider our community our #1 responcibility. We continiously recruit for the position of POLICE OFFICER whether a vacancy exists or not. In order to be considered, you must meet one of the following criteria: